Wow! What a great turnout at the polls the other day! Thank you all for coming out to vote. It's not only a privilege, but also a responsibility and I'm glad to see it wasn't taken lightly. Congratulations to all who won their seats. I hope you will work together to represent all of New Hampshire's citizens. An especially big thank you to those who voted to support me in my first run at political office. It was an honor to meet so many wonderful neighbors and to hear what your thoughts and concerns are for New Hampshire. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.
Id like to thank those of you who helped as well. From making donations, to running my online media, to standing at the polls with signs, putting signs out around town, and so much more. Even though it did not go our way, I am overwhelmed by the support and confidence, and thank you very much.
Lastly, give Tom Oppel a chance. Let him know what your concerns are so he can represent all of the community to the best of his ability. The only way he'll know what is of importance to you, is if you tell him.
I am leaving this site online, so you will know where I stand on the issues, and so that you may contact me if you are interested. Who knows what the future might bring!
We are proud to announce Ted Nugent's endorsement!
"The Nugent family is proud to support and endorse Kevin Howard for New Hampshire House of Representatives to represent the best of "We the People" for God, family, country, Constitution, law and order." ~ Ted Nugent

Republican Candidate for Grafton County Representative
So, who is Kevin M. Howard? I was born in Hoboken NJ to John & June Howard, and raised in Wallingford CT with my sister, Kerry, and brother, Keith. In 1978, I met my future wife, Peg, and we were married the following year. During that same year, I joined the United States Air Force, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Sarah, and the three of us set out to make our way in the world. For the next 30 years, we traveled the Country together going wherever the Air Force deemed necessary. One of my tours of duty happened to be here in NH.

Republican Candidate for Grafton County Representative
So, who is Kevin M. Howard? I was born in Hoboken NJ to John & June Howard, and raised in Wallingford CT with my sister, Kerry, and brother, Keith. In 1978, I met my future wife, Peg, and we were married the following year. During that same year, I joined the United States Air Force, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Sarah, and the three of us set out to make our way in the world. For the next 30 years, we traveled the Country together going wherever the Air Force deemed necessary. One of my tours of duty happened to be here in NH.

Free enterprise is critical to economic growth and prosperity. It’s fundamental to the American way of life and life here in New Hampshire. Allowing people to pursue a career of their choice and retain the rewards of their labor is the bedrock of free enterprise. Keeping taxes low, or even lowering them when the opportunity arises, must be done. When people keep more of their hard-earned money, they buy more, invest more, and help the State grow. Taking a persons hard-earned money stifles growth and the entrepreneurial spirit. To encourage this spirit, we need to keep taxes low. No income tax… no sales tax. To accomplish this, we must be fiscally responsible. We simply cannot spend more than we take in. New Hampshire is not like an individual. A person can work to get a higher paying or second job to increase earnings to finance their spending. However, the State must reach into our pockets by raising taxes. I say NO. Let’s live within our means.
Crime affects everyone and must be prevented. The best prevention is a strong, well-trained police force. Our police officers must be supported. They risk their lives every day for our safety. The defund the police movement is dangerous and misguided. If crime is to be reduced, there must be accountability; there absolutely has to be consequences for breaking the law. No cash bail organizations paying the bail for dangerous people to be let back out on the streets puts us all in danger. This isn’t rocket science. It is very easy to prove. Just do some research. Look at those cities where the police are not supported. Look at those areas with no cash bail and similar laws. What do you see? Crime is rampant. You certainly wouldn’t want to let your children play in those areas. To reduce crime, support our police. Give them the tools and laws needed to remove criminals from the streets. Make sure the judicial system levees an appropriate punishment if an individual is found guilty. Parents play a key role and they must be supported. Our children must be taught right from wrong. Teach them there are consequences for bad behavior, breaking rules and laws. Teach them young and future problems and heartache will be reduced.
Education starts at home. Parents have the absolute right to decide what is best for their children, not the school board or government. To compete in the world job market, our children must be the best. We should be focusing on math and science to prepare our children for the future. New Hampshire must set high standards for our educational system. It should be engaging and thought provoking. Academics must be the focus, not ideological indoctrination.
Drug abuse and addiction must be reduced, eliminated would be better. Overdoses continue to cause sorrow and heartbreak for too many families. Addiction robs people of a full, happy, and productive life. It destroys families. We must do two things: First, we must have accessible treatment and recovery programs available for those addicted. Second, we must find, arrest, prosecute, and jail those found guilty… jail the drug dealers. They’re predators and must be stopped. Many states are legalizing drugs of all types and many politicians are jumping on the bandwagon. It’s a very dangerous, slippery slope. Just look at Oregon. They legalized marijuana, heroin, methamphetamines, and cocaine. Well, things didn’t go well. They experienced the deadliest overdose crisis in U.S. history and have now re-criminalized drugs. Who could’ve seen that coming? Even with that irrefutable fact, some states still want to try it. I say NO! Jail the drug dealers and provide assistance to the addicted. We can overcome this crisis.
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” I am a steadfast proponent of the 2nd Amendment. I will oppose all efforts to infringe upon our constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. Militia in 1787 was defined as “all able-bodied male citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied males who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five.” It does not mean the National Guard or Reserves. They wouldn’t come into being for another 100 years. So, let’s look at “well regulated.” What did that mean in 1787? It didn’t mean regulations. It didn’t mean drilling and practicing. It simply meant “properly functioning.” So, the 2nd Amendment if written today would read something like; all able-bodied persons with a sound mind are necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. One more note; our founding fathers had an inherent distrust of government. Why then would they only give government the right to bear arms? They would not. Our politicians know this. Our constitutional scholars know this. When they tell you otherwise, they are lying to you. And yes, our citizens could own cannons back in the day. Claiming otherwise is just another lie!
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
A society living as our Founding Fathers intended. Where the words “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are cherished and protected. A society that sees a problem and works together to find a solution. That’s what I envision for New Hampshire. When Americans work together, there is no problem we can’t solve.
Much like Ronald Reagan, I believe in freedom. Freedom provides opportunity. Opportunity fosters growth. From growth, comes progress. It’s really not difficult. Freedom is the foundation of this Country and our State. “Live Free or Die” are not just some abstract words. A truly free society is inspired. It is made up of people striving to build and develop a better future for themselves, their family, and all its citizens. This is my vision for New Hampshire.
Republican Candidate for Grafton County Representative
So, who is Kevin M. Howard? I was born in Hoboken NJ to John & June Howard, and raised in Wallingford CT with my sister, Kerry, and brother, Keith. In 1978, I met my future wife, Peg, and we were married the following year. During that same year, I joined the United States Air Force, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Sarah, and the three of us set out to make our way in the world. For the next 30 years, we traveled the Country together going wherever the Air Force deemed necessary. One of my tours of duty happened to be here in NH.