I hope everyone had a great time at Canaan’s Old Home Days. I know I did. The highlight of my weekend was talking to my neighbors I hope to soon represent in Concord. It was enlightening to hear what your top priorities for Canaan, Orange and Dorchester are, as well as those for New Hampshire and the Country.
I’d also like to thank those of you who may sit across the aisle from me but stopped to speak with me. While we may not agree on everything, I found we did agree on some things. With a little bit of civil discussion and some idea exchange, we may just be able to solve a few problems. The 1st Amendment to the Constitution gives us a very important right. It’s okay to disagree. We can talk about our opposing views calmly and rationally. It’s when we stop treating each other with respect that bad things happen. To the very few who could not seem to converse in a civil, respectful manner… I hope you find some inner peace. To everyone else, thank you. If I’m to represent us in Concord, I absolutely must know what’s on your mind. What’s important to you and your family.
If you didn’t get a chance to stop by, I’ll be at the Dorchester Old Home Day on Saturday, August 17th. You can also speak with me at the Mascoma Valley Republican Committee’s monthly Meet and Greet on Friday, August 30th at the American Legion in Canaan. We’ll be having an Ice Cream Social this month! Last but not least, always feels free to contact me through my website: Howard4nh.com.