As many of you already know, I spent 30 years in the United States Air Force. We had simple core values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. I try to live by these core values every day. Our Country would be much better off if our elected officials lived by those values, too many do not.
Awhile back the jobs report came out and it looked promising. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris touted those figures as proof their economic plan was working. The numbers didn’t seem correct given all the company layoffs and business closings I read about every day. Well, within a couple of weeks, their numbers were quietly corrected. In fact, the job growth originally reported was inflated by 800,000 jobs. The correction wasn’t widely reported. I didn’t hear or read anything from our elected Representatives or Senators questioning how this misinformation could have been released.
Now, crime data was recently released, and we were told violent crime is lower under Biden and Harris. The FBI reported violent crime went down 1.7%. Once again, they’ve quietly corrected their figures. Violent crime actually went up 4.9% under the Biden/Harris Administration. It makes sense since you can read about such crime every day. Again, Biden and Harris have been touting their success on crime. I haven’t seen or heard any comments about the crime increase. Apparently, they’ll ignore that. Unfortunately, Jean Shaheen, Maggie Hassen, Annie Kuster, and Chris Pappas seem to be okay with all the misinformation. I haven’t seen or heard any of them raising concerns about the misinformation being spread.
The conspiracy theorists, I’m sure, believe it’s an organized effort to intentionally mislead the American Public and get Kamala Harris elected. Maybe it is. There is only one other possibility and that’s incompetence. Have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris put the best people in charge of our various government agencies and departments? Please think about Sam Brenton, a top official at the Energy Department. He pleaded guilty to stealing luggage at two different airports. How about Kimberly Cheatle, the former Director of the Secret Service. She was responsible for the agency in charge of protection of the President. The assassination attempt on President Trump occurred because of her failure in my opinion. The Agency is still trying to work their way out of that mess. Now we have the Department of Labor and the FBI. Neither can seem to provide accurate information to the American Public. Information we will be using to elect our next President. A President and Vice President must be able to recruit the best, most qualified people to help lead this Country. Harris and Biden have both proven they do not have the ability to put the right people in important positions.
The people leading these agencies are feeding garbage information to the public. Remember the old computer saying, “Garbage in, garbage out”? Well, if we were fed garbage as fact, the decisions we make, the people we elect are garbage. Then we have problems that continue to grow. We’re fed even more fake information and it’s escalated by the media.
It’s time to send a message. It’s time to elect Republicans. It’s time to demand Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. Send me to Concord and that’s what you’ll get. I’ll demand it from all my colleagues.
Can you tell us your position on abortion.